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听录音,在括号里填入缺失的词或短语(共3题) 2.1 Benefits and incentives Speaker I It's great because usually it means my wife can use the one at home and we even take mine away at weekends. I work for quite a relaxed company and they don't seem to mind how I use it ( ). Speaker 2 I thought it wouldn't change the way I worked after the first six months but as they got older it actually became more 2( ) with getting them to school or if they wanted to do activities in the afternoon. But my boss has been really good about it and some days I can do a half a day if I want and then I might work later on other days-or I take work home, which I don't like doing, but it's the only way... Speaker 3 It's actually the law now so they had to let me have it. It was only two weeks but at least I had time to help my wife out. Mind you, after all the late nights and crying I was really happy to get back to work for a while and have a rest! Speaker 4 I’ve just been promoted from Assistant IT Technician to Chief Operational Network Administrator. It means I get a bit of a ( ) and new business cards with my name on. I'm not sure if l get my own office though. Speaker 5 The problem for me is that I won't have enough to live on when I'm 60 and I can't afford a private plan. So I'll probably try and keep working for a few more years, and anyway, I heard the government is planning to raise the age of retirement...
【单选题】如果孩子只能在美术课上画画,往往会变得很( );他们总是用同一系列颜色表现同一类主题,画中充斥着令人担忧的“现实主义”,毫无( )可言。一次填入括号中,最恰当的一项是( )
【单选题】下列去括号中,正确的是(  )
【简答题】编写函数fun,其功能是:实现B=A+A’,即将矩阵A加上A的转置,存放在矩阵B中。计算结果在main函数中输出。 例如,输入下面的矩阵: 1 2 3 …… 4 5 6 …… 7 8 9 其转置矩阵为: 1 4 7 …… 2 5 8 …… 3 6 9 程序输出: 2 6 10 …… 6 10 14 …… 10 14 18 注意:部分源程序给出如下。 请勿改动主函数main和其他函数中的任何内容,仅...
【简答题】除去下列物质中的杂质(括号中为杂质),所加试剂或采用的提纯方法正确的是(  ) A.NaCl固体(Na2CO3固体):加水过滤 B.H2O(Br2):用酒精萃取分液 C.CO2(HCl):通入Ca(OH)2溶液中 D.CuSO4溶液(Cu):直接过滤
【单选题】下列去括号正确的是(  )
【单选题】去括号:2(a﹣b)﹣(c+d)= [ ]
【简答题】For many the only way to enjoy Ireland’s fantastic and breathtaking scenery is to take to the open road on a motoring holiday. It’s true to say that motoring can still be a pleasure on roads so empty ...
【简答题】下列有关除杂质(括号中为杂质)的操作中,错误的是( ) A.溴苯(液溴):加NaOH溶液 ,充分振荡,分液,留下层液体 B.乙醇(乙醛):加新制Cu(OH)2溶液,加热至沸腾,过滤取溶液即可 C.乙烷(乙烯):通过盛有足量溴水溶液的洗气瓶洗气 D.乙酸乙酯(乙酸):加饱和碳酸钠溶液,充分振荡,分液,留上层液体