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(D) Inventor,physicist,surveyor,astronomer,biologist,artist…Robert Hooke was all these and more.Some say he Was the greatest experimental scientist of the 17th century.In the course of his work,he cooperated with famous men of science like Isaac Newton,and the great architect, Chrish@ler Wren. Hoocke's early education began at home,under the guidance of his father.He entered Westnfinster School at the age of 13,and from there went to Oxford,where he came in contact with some of the best scientists in England.Hooke impressed them with his skills at designing experiments and inventing instruments.In 1662,at the age of 28, he was named Curator of Experiments at the newly formed Royal Society of London—meaning that he was responsible for demonstrating new experiments at the society’s weekly meetings.Hooke accepted the job,even though he knew that the society had no money to pay him! Watching living things through a microscope was one of his favorite pastimes.He invented a compound microscope for this purpose.One day while observing a cork(软木塞)under a microscope,he saw honeycomb-like structures.They were cells—the smallest units of life.In fact,it was Hooke who invented the term“cell” as the boxlike ceils of the cork reminded him of the cells of a monastery(修道院). Another achievement Of Hook’s was his book Micrographi which introduced the.Enormous potential of the microscope.It contains fascinating drawings of the things he saw under the  microscope.The book also includes,among other things,ideas on gravity,light and combustion(燃烧)that may have helped scientists like Newton when they were developing their own theories on these phenomena. Hooke made valuable contributions to astronomy too.A crater(坑)on the moon is named  after him in appreciation of his services to this branch of science. 68.Why possibly did Hooke accept the job as Curator of Experiments? A. Because his parents couldn’t afford his education. B.Because his family needed his support. C.Because he wanted to please the famous scientists in England. D.Because he liked designing experiments. 69.The cell got its name because of      . A.its use    B.its shape    C.Hooke’s favorites D.Hooke’s experiences 70.The last paragraph is to prove that          . A.Hooke was the greatest experimental scientist of the 17th century B.Hooke was good at discoveries C.Hooke’s contributions were not limited to one field D.Hooke was one of the greatest astronomers 71.The best title for the text may be          . A.The Greatest Scientist                B.A Helper of Newtom C.A Brief Introduction to Hooke          D.Achievements of Hook
【单选题】1665 年,英国人( )应用自制的放大倍数不太高的显微镜,在观察植物软木组织时,发现了细胞。
【单选题】直径为φ60mm×5mm的管道用30mm厚的软木包扎,其外再用100mm厚的保温灰包扎来作为绝热层。现测得钢管外壁面温度为-110℃,绝热层外表面的温度为10℃,已知软木、保温灰的平均导热系数分别为0.043W/(m·℃)和0.07W/(m·℃),求出每米管长的冷量损失量与( )接近。
【多选题】属于“软木材”的树种有( )。
【简答题】1665年英国物理学家Robert Hooke将软木切成薄片,放在自己制造的放大140倍的光学显微镜下面,发现软木薄片上有许多蜂窝关的小室,他称为cell(细胞),从此人们对生物体结构的认识进入到细胞这个领域。 (1)根据显微镜结构图回答:用来调节光线强弱的结构是[7]____________;转动时,镜筒的升降范围较大的结构是[9]_____________;接近观察物的镜头是...