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"Let’s have an imu!" exclaims one of the Scouts. That settles it, for everyone considers an imu one of the tastiest meals at camp. This is the way it is prepared.
A hole eigh inches deep and eigh inches square is dug and lined with rocks. A pile of crisscross(十字形) firewood is built up on a platform of split wood. On the third layer of wood is placed a layer of flat stones. The fire is kept burning until the stones are almost white hot. Stones and coals are then leveled off in the bottom of the hole.
Vegetable tops or sweet leaves — wild g, sweet gum, sycamore (梧桐) — are moistened and thrown in. On top of the leaves is placed a two-and-one-half-pound chicken or bird for every three Scouts. Also for each Scout there is one white potato, one sweet potato, one carrot, two ears of corn, and, for dessert, one apple. All this is covered with more leaves, then with a piece of dampened heavy cloth, and all is buried beneath earth so that no steam can escape. In three to four hours it is time to feast.

"Let’s have an imu!" exclaims one of the Scouts. That settles it, for everyone considers an imu one of the tastiest meals at camp. This is the way it is prepared.
A hole eigh inches deep and eigh inches square is dug and lined with rocks. A pile of crisscross(十字形) firewood is built up on a platform of split wood. On the third layer of wood is placed a layer of flat stones. The fire is kept burning until the stones are almost white hot. Stones and coals are then leveled off in the bottom of the hole.
Vegetable tops or sweet leaves — wild g, sweet gum, sycamore (梧桐) — are moistened and thrown in. On top of the leaves is placed a two-and-one-half-pound chicken or bird for every three Scouts. Also for each Scout there is one white potato, one sweet potato, one carrot, two ears of corn, and, for dessert, one apple. All this is covered with more leaves, then with a piece of dampened heavy cloth, and all is buried beneath earth so that no steam can escape. In three to four hours it is time to feast.How is the food finally covered
It is covered with a piece of()

"Let’s have an imu!" exclaims one of the Scouts. That settles it, for everyone considers an imu one of the tastiest meals at camp. This is the way it is prepared.
A hole eigh inches deep and eigh inches square is dug and lined with rocks. A pile of crisscross(十字形) firewood is built up on a platform of split wood. On the third layer of wood is placed a layer of flat stones. The fire is kept burning until the stones are almost white hot. Stones and coals are then leveled off in the bottom of the hole.
Vegetable tops or sweet leaves — wild g, sweet gum, sycamore (梧桐) — are moistened and thrown in. On top of the leaves is placed a two-and-one-half-pound chicken or bird for every three Scouts. Also for each Scout there is one white potato, one sweet potato, one carrot, two ears of corn, and, for dessert, one apple. All this is covered with more leaves, then with a piece of dampened heavy cloth, and all is buried beneath earth so that no steam can escape. In three to four hours it is time to feast.

【单选题】具有十字形花冠的植物是( )。
【简答题】"Let’s have an imu!" exclaims one of the Scouts. That settles it, for everyone considers an imu one of the tastiest meals at camp. This is the way it is prepared. A hole eigh inches deep and eight...
【简答题】诗歌阅读 水调歌头 九月望日,与客习射西园,余病不能射.叶梦得霜降碧天静,秋事促西风。寒声隐地初听,中夜入梧桐。起瞰高城回望,寥落关河千里,一醉与君同。叠鼓闹清晓,飞骑引雕弓。 岁将晚,客争笑,问衰翁:平生豪气安在?走马为谁雄?何似当筵虎士,挥手弦声响处,双雁落遥空。老矣真堪愧,回首望云中。 (1)“秋事促西风”中的“秋事”本意是秋收的事情,从全词看,实际上是指什么?“岁将晚”包含的两层意思是什么...
【单选题】1848年英国各个大学的足球代表,在剑桥大学制定了相对统一的剑桥规则,这是世界上 文字形式的足球规则。
【单选题】【图片】梧桐的果实如图所示。这种果实类型叫做( )。
【单选题】汉字点阵是一种用黑白两色点阵来表示汉字字形的编码,一个8*8点阵字模的存储容量为( )