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Even people who don"t understand English can enjoy Chaplin"s films because they are almost silent. It isn"t what he says that makes us laugh. His comedy (喜剧) doesn"t depend upon words of language, but on the little actions which mean the same thing to people all over the world.
In his films, Chaplin raises his thick black eyebrow (眉毛). He straightens his coat or swings his walking stick in the air. He hides behind a fat lady or climbs under a table to escape from his enemies. Trying to be brave, he faints away on the floor. He pretends to be what he is not and never could be—a rich, successful, important man. It is the secret of Chaplin"s huge success.
He discovered the character of the little tramp almost by accident. As young men, he and his brother traveled to America in a small company of actors and acted in various cities. One day Charles was invited to join a new company that was comedies. It was in his second film that he wore the clothes that made his reputation: black hat, tight coat, big trousers, huge shoes, moustache (胡须) and walking stick. He intended simply to make people laugh. But the odd disguises (扮相) made him look both comic and sad.
His appearance was a popular success, right from the beginning. But his early films hadn"t much story. They were full of actions. The little man played fast-moving s of hide-and-seek with his enemies, racing down city streets, jumping on trains, and boating down rivers.By far the most common snake in Britain is the adder. In Scotland, in fact, there are no other snakes at all. The adder is also the only British snake with a poisonous bite. It can be found almost anywhere, but prefers sunny hillsides and rough open country, including high ground. In Ireland there are no snakes at all.
Most people regard snake bites as a fatal misfortune, but not all bites are serious and very few are fatal. Sometimes attempts at emergency treatment turn out to be more erous than the bite itself, with s heroically, but mistakenly, trying do-it-yourself surgery and other unnecessary measures.
All snakes have small teeth, so it follows that all snakes can bite, but only the bite of the adder presents any er. British snakes are shy animals and are far more frightened of you than you could possibly be of them. The adder will attack only if it feels threatened, as can happen if you take it by surprise and step on it accidentally or if you try to catch it or pick it up, which it dislikes intensely. If it hears you coming, it will normally get out of the way as quickly as it can, but adders cannot move very rapidly and may attack before moving if you are very close.
The effect of a bite varies considerably. It depends upon several things, one of which is the body-weight of the person bitten. The bigger the person is, the less harmful the bite is likely to be, which is why children suffer far more seriously from snake bites than s. A healthy person will also have better resistance against the poison.
Very few people actually die from snake bites in Britain, and though these bites can make some people very ill, there are probably just as many cases of bites having little or no effect, as there are of serious illness.Much attention is presently being given to what is termed "functional illiteracy". This should not be confused with the problem of illiteracy, that is, the inability to read and write. Current United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) figures indicate that 99 percent of all Americans are literate, the same figure assigned to nations such as Britain, Germany. Functional illiteracy, by contrast, is concerned with how much difficulty people have in actually using and writing skills in everyday situations. This might be interpreted, for example, as the relative ability to understand federal income tax forms, or printed instructions, or how well someone can write a letter of complaint, or apply in writing for a job.
There are no agreed-upon (达成一致的) definitions of What functional illiteracy is and, in practice, definitions vary widely. For many years, reading tests have been used throughout the country which define reading ability by grade level. "Tenth-grade reading level" for instance, would be the average reading score of all pupils who have completed ten years of school. There are, of course, many different reading tests and types of tests. One definition of functional illiteracy holds that anyone is "illiterate" who reads at less than an eighth-grade level. Another common definition uses a twelfth-grade level (the last year of high school in the U. S.).
There seems to be general agreement that at least one-tenth of all Americans are functionally illiterate in English to some degree. It is also hardly surprising that those nations which (like the U. S.) have paid most attention to this concept, and which have nation-wide testing, have found the greatest problems. As one educator humorously put it, "Reading tests cause illiteracy". Canada, for example, which also has a large non-English-speaking immigrant population, has recently found that many of her citizens, too, are functionally illiterate. The attention given to this problem, therefore, reflects the fact that in North America schools as well as pupils are continually tested.A sustainable transportation system is one that is safe, capable and friendly to the environment. Sustainable transportation is about combining economic, social and environmental factors into decisions that affect transportation activity. In economic aspect, we need a transportation system that is efficient. In social aspect, our transportation system must be safe and easy to be reached. In addition, we need a transportation system that respects the natural environment. It is not always easy to balance these three factors but there are also win-win-win opportunities.
Sustainable transportation is important. Although transportation brings many economic and social benefits, the movement of people and goods can have important influences on the environment. These influences can in turn have social and economic consequences. Sustainable transportation calls for ensuring that the environment is considered along with economic and social considerations in transportation decision-.
Environmental influences of transportation include air and water pollution, greenhouse effects, and the use of land and other natural resources. A range of transportation activities contribute to these pressures, including the construction of roads; the production, operation, and throwing away of vehicles; and the supply of energy and fuel.
A major challenge of sustainable transportation is to control or pr air pollution and greenhouse effects.Even people who don"t understand English can enjoy Chaplin"s films because they are almost silent. It isn"t what he says that makes us laugh. His comedy (喜剧) doesn"t depend upon words of language, but on the little actions which mean the same thing to people all over the world.
In his films, Chaplin raises his thick black eyebrow (眉毛). He straightens his coat or swings his walking stick in the air. He hides behind a fat lady or climbs under a table to escape from his enemies. Trying to be brave, he faints away on the floor. He pretends to be what he is not and never could be—a rich, successful, important man. It is the secret of Chaplin"s huge success.
He discovered the character of the little tramp almost by accident. As young men, he and his brother traveled to America in a small company of actors and acted in various cities. One day Charles was invited to join a new company that was comedies. It was in his second film that he wore the clothes that made his reputation: black hat, tight coat, big trousers, huge shoes, moustache (胡须) and walking stick. He intended simply to make people laugh. But the odd disguises (扮相) made him look both comic and sad.
His appearance was a popular success, right from the beginning. But his early films hadn"t much story. They were full of actions. The little man played fast-moving s of hide-and-seek with his enemies, racing down city streets, jumping on trains, and boating down rivers.Much attention is presently being given to what is termed "functional illiteracy". This should not be confused with the problem of illiteracy, that is, the inability to read and write. Current United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) figures indicate that 99 percent of all Americans are literate, the same figure assigned to nations such as Britain, Germany. Functional illiteracy, by contrast, is concerned with how much difficulty people have in actually using and writing skills in everyday situations. This might be interpreted, for example, as the relative ability to understand federal income tax forms, or printed instructions, or how well someone can write a letter of complaint, or apply in writing for a job.
There are no agreed-upon (达成一致的) definitions of What functional illiteracy is and, in practice, definitions vary widely. For many years, reading tests have been used throughout the country which define reading ability by grade level. "Tenth-grade reading level" for instance, would be the average reading score of all pupils who have completed ten years of school. There are, of course, many different reading tests and types of tests. One definition of functional illiteracy holds that anyone is "illiterate" who reads at less than an eighth-grade level. Another common definition uses a twelfth-grade level (the last year of high school in the U. S.).
There seems to be general agreement that at least one-tenth of all Americans are functionally illiterate in English to some degree. It is also hardly surprising that those nations which (like the U. S.) have paid most attention to this concept, and which have nation-wide testing, have found the greatest problems. As one educator humorously put it, "Reading tests cause illiteracy". Canada, for example, which also has a large non-English-speaking immigrant population, has recently found that many of her citizens, too, are functionally illiterate. The attention given to this problem, therefore, reflects the fact that in North America schools as well as pupils are continually tested.A sustainable transportation system is one that is safe, capable and friendly to the environment. Sustainable transportation is about combining economic, social and environmental factors into decisions that affect transportation activity. In economic aspect, we need a transportation system that is efficient. In social aspect, our transportation system must be safe and easy to be reached. In addition, we need a transportation system that respects the natural environment. It is not always easy to balance these three factors but there are also win-win-win opportunities.
Sustainable transportation is important. Although transportation brings many economic and social benefits, the movement of people and goods can have important influences on the environment. These influences can in turn have social and economic consequences. Sustainable transportation calls for ensuring that the environment is considered along with economic and social considerations in transportation decision-.
Environmental influences of transportation include air and water pollution, greenhouse effects, and the use of land and other natural resources. A range of transportation activities contribute to these pressures, including the construction of roads; the production, operation, and throwing away of vehicles; and the supply of energy and fuel.
A major challenge of sustainable transportation is to control or pr air pollution and greenhouse effects.Even people who don"t understand English can enjoy Chaplin"s films because they are almost silent. It isn"t what he says that makes us laugh. His comedy (喜剧) doesn"t depend upon words of language, but on the little actions which mean the same thing to people all over the world.
In his films, Chaplin raises his thick black eyebrow (眉毛). He straightens his coat or swings his walking stick in the air. He hides behind a fat lady or climbs under a table to escape from his enemies. Trying to be brave, he faints away on the floor. He pretends to be what he is not and never could be—a rich, successful, important man. It is the secret of Chaplin"s huge success.
He discovered the character of the little tramp almost by accident. As young men, he and his brother traveled to America in a small company of actors and acted in various cities. One day Charles was invited to join a new company that was comedies. It was in his second film that he wore the clothes that made his reputation: black hat, tight coat, big trousers, huge shoes, moustache (胡须) and walking stick. He intended simply to make people laugh. But the odd disguises (扮相) made him look both comic and sad.
His appearance was a popular success, right from the beginning. But his early films hadn"t much story. They were full of actions. The little man played fast-moving s of hide-and-seek with his enemies, racing down city streets, jumping on trains, and boating down rivers.Much attention is presently being given to what is termed "functional illiteracy". This should not be confused with the problem of illiteracy, that is, the inability to read and write. Current United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) figures indicate that 99 percent of all Americans are literate, the same figure assigned to nations such as Britain, Germany. Functional illiteracy, by contrast, is concerned with how much difficulty people have in actually using and writing skills in everyday situations. This might be interpreted, for example, as the relative ability to understand federal income tax forms, or printed instructions, or how well someone can write a letter of complaint, or apply in writing for a job.
There are no agreed-upon (达成一致的) definitions of What functional illiteracy is and, in practice, definitions vary widely. For many years, reading tests have been used throughout the country which define reading ability by grade level. "Tenth-grade reading level" for instance, would be the average reading score of all pupils who have completed ten years of school. There are, of course, many different reading tests and types of tests. One definition of functional illiteracy holds that anyone is "illiterate" who reads at less than an eighth-grade level. Another common definition uses a twelfth-grade level (the last year of high school in the U. S.).
There seems to be general agreement that at least one-tenth of all Americans are functionally illiterate in English to some degree. It is also hardly surprising that those nations which (like the U. S.) have paid most attention to this concept, and which have nation-wide testing, have found the greatest problems. As one educator humorously put it, "Reading tests cause illiteracy". Canada, for example, which also has a large non-English-speaking immigrant population, has recently found that many of her citizens, too, are functionally illiterate. The attention given to this problem, therefore, reflects the fact that in North America schools as well as pupils are continually tested.A sustainable transportation system is one that is safe, capable and friendly to the environment. Sustainable transportation is about combining economic, social and environmental factors into decisions that affect transportation activity. In economic aspect, we need a transportation system that is efficient. In social aspect, our transportation system must be safe and easy to be reached. In addition, we need a transportation system that respects the natural environment. It is not always easy to balance these three factors but there are also win-win-win opportunities.
Sustainable transportation is important. Although transportation brings many economic and social benefits, the movement of people and goods can have important influences on the environment. These influences can in turn have social and economic consequences. Sustainable transportation calls for ensuring that the environment is considered along with economic and social considerations in transportation decision-.
Environmental influences of transportation include air and water pollution, greenhouse effects, and the use of land and other natural resources. A range of transportation activities contribute to these pressures, including the construction of roads; the production, operation, and throwing away of vehicles; and the supply of energy and fuel.
A major challenge of sustainable transportation is to control or pr air pollution and greenhouse effects.
The author"s attitude towards the sustainable transportation is ______.