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听力原文:W: I didn't realize that John and Teresa were going to get married so soon. Did you? M: No, I didn't. I know they were engaged, of course. But I thought they'd wait until next year. W: So did I. That's why I was so surprised when they announced that the wedding would be next month. M: Anyway, they're well-suited for each other. I'm sure Teresa will make John a very good wife. W: Yes, and John will make Teresa a very good husband. I hear John asked you to make a speech at the reception. M: That's right. I'm a bit nervous about it, though. I've never made a speech before. W: Oh, I'm sure you'll do a good job, Mark. I'll be there to encourage you. M: Well, if you want to encourage me, promise that you won't laugh. W: I promise. Well, I've got to see about a new dress for the wedding. See you, Mark. M: Ok, Mary. (20)
They are excited about it.
They feel the marriage is overdue.
They are surprised to hear that.
They feel sorry for them.
【单选题】听力原文:W: How was the job interview? I think you'll make a good journalist.I remember you as the best writer in the class.M: Well, in fact, my application was turned down.They were looking for people wi...
【单选题】听力原文:W: In the summer, Andrew plays tennis or the golf almost every day and in the winter he goes skiing every chance he gets. M: He's always been very enthusiastic about sports. Q: What can be conclu...
【单选题】听力原文:What's the date today?(12)
【单选题】听力原文:This suitcase is heavy what's in it? (A) In that case, give me the red ones. (B) Just some old books of mine. (C) In the cupboard, please. (28)
【简答题】Unit 4听力 Further Practice in listening Long conversation Q3:
【单选题】听力原文:W: Which of the cars we saw yesterday do you prefer? M: The red one looks very nice, but the black one has more room inside. I have a large family and I like it better. Why does the man prefer th...
【单选题】听力原文:M: I still don't understand what it is that you are talking about. What is feminism anyway? Does it mean you don't want to marry me anymore? W: I'm not sure I can give you perfect dictionary defi...
【单选题】听力原文:W: Why are you leaving so early? You can take office commuting bus at eight and be fight on time! M: I don't want to be stuck in the traffic then. It's a nightmare on the express way during rush ...
【单选题】听力原文:W: Mary told me that she was going to quit her job.I'll certainly be sorry to see her go.M: Oh, she always says that! I wouldn't buy her a going-away present if I were you.Q: What does the man th...