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Nowadays fashion speaks aloud.Then do you choose what you wear or does the ____ choose it for you?I am one of the million Americans who struggle with ____ the new trends.The newspapers and magazines work their hardest in trying to ___ us to buy new things for home,work,and family.Many large ___ spend millions of dollars for a one­minute commercial on one of the ___ stations such as FOX and CBS.Television and magazines ____ carefully not only what to wear and when to wear it but also what others are wearing such as movie stars,____ and music artists.Television,one of the ___ mediums of the media world,talks with us about who is wearing what and what is fashionable for the ____.Television shows give us information on new trends ____ all different types of people and in all different countries.Designers such as Calvin Klein,Levi’s and many others try to ____ us to their cool commercials.Indeed,they get ____ from the commercials after their designs are sold. Television influences the way we ____.It searches each and every one of our wardrobes(衣橱) with telling us what is ____ and what is not.agers,____,give a lot of their attention to these television programs.They even wish they could ____ like the models immediately.The commercials try to ____ the younger generation because they will have them in the palm of their hands for the ____ of their lives.Also agers are ____ influenced by television with the billions of dollars spent on advertisements.These advertisements have them ____ widely—they really know what agers like. 小题1: A.society B.mood C.media D.weather 小题2: A.looking forward to B.keeping up with C.caring about D.referring to 小题3: A.follow B.warn C.force D.persuade 小题4: A.supermarkets B.hotels C.companies D.malls 小题5: A.major B.local C.common D.similar 小题6: A.choose B.describe C.change D.watch 小题7: A.scholars B.officials C.managers D.models 小题8: A.important B.changeable C.cultural D.national 小题9: A.day B.season C.month D.year 小题10:. A.for B.from C.of D.with 小题11: A.compare B.fix C.attract D.connect 小题12: A.trust B.promotion C.improvement D.profit 小题13: A.sleep B.live C.shop D.learn 小题14: A.hot B.crazy C.creative D.expensive 小题15: A.however B.hardly C.nearly D.especially 小题16: A.dress B.walk C.express D.grow 小题17: A.avoid B.target C.understand D.warn 小题18: A.whole B.half C.part D.rest 小题19: A.eagerly B.slowly C.easily D.happily 小题20: A.killed B.trapped C.hurt D.lost
【单选题】Human wants seem endless. When a starving man gets a meal, he begins to think about an overcoat; when an executive gets a new sports car, visions of country clubs and pleasure boats dance into view. T...
【单选题】衣橱用该保持( )分满。
【简答题】n. [C] (BrE) a piece of furniture like a large cupboard that you hang clothes in 衣柜;衣橱
【单选题】Human wants seem endless. When a starving man gets a meal, he begins to think about an overcoat; when an executive gets a new sports car, visions of country clubs and pleasure boats dance into view. T...
【简答题】Homestay UK/Great Britain Here you will find a selection of homestay hosts and host families in the UK. If you want to learn more about the British host family of your choice, please click on informat...
【简答题】Nowadays fashion speaks aloud.Then do you choose what you wear or does the ____ choose it for you?I am one of the million Americans who struggle with ____ the new trends.The newspapers and magazines w...
【简答题】Nowadays fashion speaks aloud.Then do you choose what you wear or does the ____ choose it for you?I am one of the million Americans who struggle with ____ the new trends.The newspapers and magazines w...
【简答题】My brother-in-law opened the bottom drawer of my sister's bureau(衣橱) and picked out a wonderful skirt. 'Jan bought this the first time we went to New York, at least 8 or 9 years ago. She never wore it...
【简答题】Daniel Brown was just five years old when he climbed into the family car and let it roll away down the road. He was only three when he flooded the kitchen.His mother, Angela Brown, is in despair. She ...