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MANY of us enjoy doing it: you turn on the camera on your mobile phone and hold it at a high angle (角度), your eyes look bigger and your cheekbones more marked out. You turn to your best side and click. There it is – your selfie. Over the past year, “selfie” has become a well-known term across the globe. This August the Oxford dictionary added the word to their online dictionary and defined it as: “A photograph that one has taken of oneself, typically with a smartphone or webcam and uploaded to a social media website.” Today it’s not difficult to find social networking pages full of photos people have taken of themselves and their friends. And selfie culture has become especially related to young people. As many as 91 percent of agers have posted photos of themselves online, according to a recent survey by the US Pew Research Center. So what are the reasons for the rise of selfie culture? “The cult (狂热) of the selfie celebrates regular people,” Pamela Rutledge, a professor at the Massachusetts School of Professional Psychology, told Vogue magazine. “There are many more photographs available now of real people than models.” Posting selfies also allows you to control your image online. “I like having the power to choose how I look, even if I’m a funny face,” Samantha Barks, 19, a high school student in the US, told Vogue. In addition to self-expression and documentation (记录), selfies “allow for an close friendship for long-distance friends, because you can see each other’s faces every day”, wrote Casey Miller at The Huffington Post. But US psychologist Jill Weber is concerned that selfies might lead to social problems. “There’s a er that your self-esteem (自尊心) may start to be tied to the comments and ‘likes’ you get when you post a selfie, and they aren’t based on who you are – they’re based on what you look like,” Weber told Vogue. “When you get nothing or a negative response, your confidence can plummet. ” 小题1:The first paragraph is intended to _________. A.explain why selfie is popular B.describe how to make selfie C.show the importance of selfie D.introduce the topic of selfie 小题2:How many reasons for the rise of selfie culture are mentioned in the passage? A.Two B.Three C.Four D.Five 小题3:What is Jill Weber’s opinion about selfies? A.Comments on selfie are based on who you are. B.Selfies have more disadvantages than advantages. C.Others’ response to selfies might affect one’s self-esteem. D.Selfies shouldn’t be encouraged for they lead to social problems. 小题4:The underlined word “plummet” in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to __________. A.go down B.calm down C.pick up D.build up
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