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2 Replace the underlined part in each of the following sentences with a word or phrase from the box below. Write your answer in the brackets. Change the form where necessary.(只填单词,不用写题目序号) as a result mysterious be destined to be flooded with for instance plead with sb. (to do sth.) pop up pull apart reluctant stick to 1.There are jobs more erous than driving a racing car, for example, training lions. 2. The radio station received a lot of phone calls from listeners requesting more pop songs.() 3. Animal lovers stopped the truck to save dogs fated to be sold to restaurants. 4. When the stock market goes down, investors are usually unwilling to sell out their stocks.() 5. They hugged (拥抱) each other so tightly that no one could separate them. 6. If you want to tell the difference in taste between wines we are going to taste tonight, you’d better have only bread and water for supper. 7. Juliet begged her father to let her meet Romeo one more time. 8. Textbooks can be expensive. That’s why some students buy from second-hand bookstores.
【简答题】给出下列四个命题: ①函数是定义域到值域的映射; ② f(x)= x-2 + 1-x 是函数; ③函数y=3x(x∈N)的图象是一条直线; ④已知函数f(x)的定义域为R,对任意实数x 1 ,x 2 ,且x 1 ≠x 2 ,都有 x 1 - x 2 f( x 1 )-f( x 2 ) <0 ,则f(x)在R上是减函数. 其中正确命题的序号是______.(写出你认为正确的所有命题序号)
【简答题】单词拼写。1. Attention please, boys and girls! I have an a______ to make. 2. Everybody should be a_____ of the importance of obeying the traffic regulations. 3. He went to town for the p______ of buying a ...
【简答题】听录音,选出所听句子中含有的单词或词组。( ) 1. A. skate( ) 2. A. put on ( ) 3. A. outside( ) 4. A. like ( ) 5. A. cold B. skiB. wearB. insideB. want B. cool C. snowC. take offC. alwaysC. love C. warm
【简答题】选出不同类的单词。( ) 1. A. piano ( ) 2. A. day ( ) 3. A. sunny ( ) 4. A. lunch ( ) 5. A. singerB. day B. morningB. windy B. supper B. player C. violin C. evening C. rain C. meat C. write
【简答题】听录音,选出你听到的单词或词组。( ) 1. A. watched TV( ) 2. A. cleaned the room( ) 3. A. did his homework( ) 4. A. swam( ) 5. A. had dinnerB. washed clothesB. played footballB. went skiingB. dancedB. had breakfastC. w...
【单选题】《九歌·国殇》题目“国殇”是指( )