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What Are the Fine Arts
What we call the fine arts are considered to he painting, sculpture, literature, drama, music, dancing, and architecture.
Today, many curious experiments are being made in all the fine arts. But the traditional methods and products of the fine arts all have things in common. For one thing they have "design". Design can be with sounds, with stones, with words, with building materials, with lines, and paint. A work of fine art is designed. And within that design, the creator uses "rhythm". "balance" , and "harmony’.
Rhythm comes from the more or less regular repetition of similar sounds, colors, shapes, and movements. Balance is the arrangement of: what the artist works with so that the result seems right to us. And harmony is putting things together that seem to belong together. These, of course, are only rough ideas of what a creator in the fine arts tries to do.
Now please find correct English expressions in the diagram to fill in the following translations:

  • A) traditional methods
  • B) design
  • C) painting, sculpture
  • D) "regular repetition"
  • E) fine art
  • F) literature, drama
  • G) "rhythm", "balance", and "harmony"
  • H) music, dancing, architecture
  • I) curious experiments
What Are the Fine Arts
What we call the fine arts are considered to he painting, sculpture, literature, drama, music, dancing, and architecture.
Today, many curious experiments are being made in all the fine arts. But the traditional methods and products of the fine arts all have things in common. For one thing they have "design". Design can be with sounds, with stones, with words, with building materials, with lines, and paint. A work of fine art is designed. And within that design, the creator uses "rhythm". "balance" , and "harmony’.
Rhythm comes from the more or less regular repetition of similar sounds, colors, shapes, and movements. Balance is the arrangement of: what the artist works with so that the result seems right to us. And harmony is putting things together that seem to belong together. These, of course, are only rough ideas of what a creator in the fine arts tries to do.
Now please find correct English expressions in the diagram to fill in the following translations:()设计()绘画、雕塑

What Are the Fine Arts
What we call the fine arts are considered to he painting, sculpture, literature, drama, music, dancing, and architecture.
Today, many curious experiments are being made in all the fine arts. But the traditional methods and products of the fine arts all have things in common. For one thing they have "design". Design can be with sounds, with stones, with words, with building materials, with lines, and paint. A work of fine art is designed. And within that design, the creator uses "rhythm". "balance" , and "harmony’.
Rhythm comes from the more or less regular repetition of similar sounds, colors, shapes, and movements. Balance is the arrangement of: what the artist works with so that the result seems right to us. And harmony is putting things together that seem to belong together. These, of course, are only rough ideas of what a creator in the fine arts tries to do.
Now please find correct English expressions in the diagram to fill in the following translations:
