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Animation means things which are lifeless come alive and move.
__1__ But not until this century have we managed to capture it, to record it, and in the case of animation, to reinterpret it and recreate it.__2__
In the world of cartoon animation, nothing is impossible.You can make the characters you create do exactly what you want them.
A famous early cartoon character was Felix, the Cat, created by Pat Sullivan in American in the early nine twenties.__3__ He could do all sorts of things no natural cat could do like taking off his tail, using it as a handle and then putting it back.
Most of the great early animators lived and worked in America, the home of the moving picture industry.__4__ Popeye, the Sailorman and his girl friend Olive Oyl were born at the Max Fleischer studios in 1933.
But to be an animator, you don't have to be a professional.__5__ All you have to do is draw directly on to blank film and then run a projector.
Animation means things which are lifeless come alive and move.
__1__ But not until this century have we managed to capture it, to record it, and in the case of animation, to reinterpret it and recreate it. __2__
In the world of cartoon animation, nothing is impossible. You can make the characters you create do exactly what you want them.
A famous early cartoon character was Felix, the Cat, created by Pat Sullivan in American in the early nine twenties. __3__ He could do all sorts of things no natural cat could do like taking off his tail, using it as a handle and then putting it back.
Most of the great early animators lived and worked in America, the home of the moving picture industry. __4__ Popeye, the Sailorman and his girl friend Olive Oyl were born at the Max Fleischer studios in 1933.
But to be an animator, you don't have to be a professional. __5__ All you have to do is draw directly on to blank film and then run a projector.
A.To do all this, we use a movie camera and a projector.
B.It is possible for anyone to make a animated film without using a camera at all.
C.Felix was a marvelous cat.
D.From earliest times, people have always been fascinated by movement.E. The moving picture industry really experienced a trough (低谷期), and then achieved the fabulous(难以置信的) success.
F. Felix, the lovely cat, makes our audience laugh all the time.
G. The famous Walt Disney cartoon characters came to life after 1928.
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【单选题】在本节中,你将听到15个对话,每段对话后有一个问题。请从A,B,C三个选项中选出答案,并标在试卷的相应位置。每段对话后有15秒钟的停顿,以便回答问题和阅读下一个问题。每段对话读两遍。 下面请听这些对话 What’s the matter with the man