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Directions:This task is the same as Task 1. The 5 questions or unfinished statements are numbered 41 through 45.
Many people believe that exercise is good for the body and for the mind. They say that exercise helps them lose weight, become more attractive, or keep their shape as they get older. Some people who have very stressful lives say that exercise helps them relax. These people think that exercise will help them avoid the health problems that stress causes-such as heart disease.
Are these sayings about exercise true Can you actually change the shape of your body simply by exercising Can any woman look like Jane Fonda if she works out Can any man look like Arnold Schwarzenegger if he lifts weights long enough In fact,the answer is no, not really. Genetics determined the numbers of fat cells you have and your muscle definition before you were born, so there is a limit to how much your body can change now with exercise. However, you can lose weight by burning more calories than you take in. Exercise combined with dieting can help, but you probably won’t look like Ms. Fonda unless you did before you started. Also you can strengthen and enlarge your muscles; this can improve your overall appearance, but it probably won’ t make you look like Mr. Schwarzenegger unless you were born with his kind of muscle definition.
What about reducing stress by exercising In fact, studies have shown that doing aerobic (有氧的) exercises (exercises that increase your heart rate) causes the brain to release endorphins (内啡肽), a chemical in your body that reduces pain and relaxes the body. Again, there is no guarantee that exercise will pr a heart attack or a stroke, especially if members of your family have had these diseases. But if you exercise, have a good diet, don’ t smoke, and have a relaxed, positive attitude, you will reduce your chances of getting stress-related illness. Directions:According to the passage,what effects does exercise have on people
Exercise can help people become more beautiful.
Exercise will promote people’s physical health.
Exercise does people a lot good physically and mentally.
Exercise helps people avoid diseases such as heart disease.