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任务型阅读。 Many people love drinking bottled (瓶装的) water because of the convenience. They believe that it is better to drink bottled water than to drink water out of the tap. However, all those bottles are made from oil and also pollute the environment. For example, Americans buy 29 million bottles a year. They buy more bottled water than any other nation in the world.  In order to make all these bottles, makers use 17 millions barrels of oil. It's enough to keep a million cars going for twelve months. As we know, recycling bottles can help a lot. Instead of being thrown out with the trash, bottles can be turned into some useful things like clothing or other things. Unfortunately, for every six bottles we use, only one of them is put into the recycling box. The rest are sent to the special places that keep trash.  Or, even worse, they end up as trash on the land and in rivers, lakes, and the ocean. The fact is that bottles take many hundreds of years to change into small pieces. Water is good for you.  But think about how often you use bottles, and see if you can make a change: if you take one to school, don't throw it away, bring it home and refill (再注满) it for the next day. A) Reasons of drinking bottled water: 1. People love it because it's _____. 2. People think drinking it is _____ than drinking the water out of the tap. B) Materials of the bottles: 3. The material of 29 million bottles can keep a million cars going for_____. C)The ways of doing with the bottles: 4. We should _____ them but not throw them away. They can be made into some useful things. 5. We can _____ the used bottles if we need to take water to drink.