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Ever since I was little I loved doing things for other people. As I got older I began doing random ( 随意的 ) things for people. For example, during holidays, such as Christmas, I would make an extra 21 along with the ones for my relatives. Then I would go and find someone in the grocery store and just hand it to them and walk away. It was so much fun. I admit, 22 , the first time I did it I was so 23 . I didn’t know who to give the card to. So I said a little prayer and knew that the 24 person would just appear. About that time an elderly man ran 25 me with his shopping cart. It was an accident, and he 26 a million times. We smiled and he walked away, and I knew that he was the one. Later I found him in a different isle(过道), handed him the card, and smiled. I said Happy Holidays, and then walked away. It was so great, and the 27 I had afterwards was unexplainable. Then one day I came across your website (the coolest website ever) and 28 some Smile Cards. When they came in, I started a new project. When I go into a store, I locate a person who I think needs a 29 . Then, I buy a flower, a carnation, to be exact, and 30 it in the most beautiful paper they have. I tie lots of ribbons on it to make it 31 , and then slip the smile card into an envelope and 32 it to the flower. After that, I pay for it and explain to the cashier 33 it is to go to (I live in a pretty small town so it’s easy to get the help of the cashiers). They then give it to that person when they come through.. Once in a while I’ll buy the flower and then just leave it for the cashier. That gets smiles. My favorite time was when I picked out this elderly woman who was walking around the 34 somewhat confused. I had come across her numerous times and she only smiled slightly once. When she came to the check out (I was watching from outside) her face 35 and the smile was the biggest I had ever seen. Later that week the cashier whom I had had 36 me told me that the lady had been so surprised and while she was walking out with the grocery bag to her car, she was planning what she was going to do for someone else. It was awesome. I absolutely love the random acts of kindness cards. I 37 at least two in my purse and others in my car, locker and everywhere I go. As I mentioned, my club, STARS, is doing a Random Acts of Kindness Project with the smile cards so they also are using them. I look forward to hearing about their success. It’s really great. I 38 used them in school. I bought my entire math class cans of pop after lunch one day. They came in from lunch and a can of pop and a smile card were setting 39 that day. It totally lightened the mood in the class that day 40 we were studying for a test. Thank you for all of the help that you provide. The smile cards are a great program that brings smiles into the lives of many! 小题1: A.present B.card C.wish D.promise 小题2: A.therefore B.anyway C.moreover D.however 小题3: A.excited B.disappointed C.nervous D.cautious 小题4: A.only B.elderly C.right D.lucky 小题5: A.into B.across C.after D.for 小题6: A.thanked B.apologized C.forgave D.admired 小题7: A.chance B.action C.reward D.feeling 小题8: A.ordered B.copied C.downloaded D.saved 小题9: A.gift B.smile C.help D.comfort 小题10: A.hide B.cover C.put D.wrap 小题11: A.expensive B.natural C.unique D.diverse 小题12: A.devote B.attach C.submit D.join 小题13: A.how B.where C.who D.what 小题14: A.restaurant B.hotel C.school D.store 小题15: A.lit up B.put up C.got up D.made up 小题16: A.help B.deliver C.promise D.remind 小题17: A.arrange B.need C.take D.keep 小题18: A.hardly B.somehow C.even D.ever 小题19: A.in their baskets B.on their desks C.in their bags D.in their drawers 小题20: A.because B.unless C.after D.whenever
【简答题】Ever since I was little I loved doing things for other people. As I got older I began doing random ( 随意的 ) things for people. For example, during holidays, such as Christmas, I would make an extra 21...
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