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What kind of person would you say the old man was()

A. He was not happy because people didn’t understand him.
B. He was kind enough though very strange.
C. He was a person who remained puzzling (令人迷惑不解的) after much thought.
D. He was expert at the study of the woods.

A very strange old man used to live in our town. He didn’t do anything as the rest of people did. He lived alone and didn’t talk to anybody. He liked to walk in the woods where there were no roads, following the narrow paths made by animals. People were afraid of him. They thought he was crazy and might do something terrible, like hurting one of the children.
One day a little boy disappeared. His parents looked for him for hours, and finally the whole town started a search of the woods. Some people thought the strange old man had taken the child away.
Several hours later, the boy was found, very cold and hungry, and it was the old man, who knew the woods so well, who had found him. After that, he still lived alone and walked in the woods, but no one was afraid of him any more.
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