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I almost missed an opportunity to be queen for a day. My little granddaughter, Ava, had come to spend the afternoon with me. I’d warned her that Grandma wouldn’t have much time to play since I was on a deadline for a book. Ava colored some princess pictures while I wrote. She watched an animated movie, stopping from time to time to come to talk to me or to get a snack or drink. We both stopped long enough for a meal. I’d been back to work for just a little while when she looked at me with such a precious pleading expression and said, “Grandma, can you come to play with me in the toy room for a little while?” I couldn’t resist my grandbaby, so I shut the computer down, took her by the hand, and we walked upstairs to play. That’s when I became a queen. A jeweled crown ( 皇冠 ) was placed on my head while royal music played in the background. My new role as a “queen” began as a bell rang. I was told about the royal feast that would take place that evening and that the entertainment would be provided. I sat there and enjoyed her imagination in the sweetness of our moments together—I was so glad I’d taken the time to be with her. My days are busy, and time is precious. I think of it like a bank account ( 账户 ), and I get to decide how to spend it. When the final accounting is done at the end of my life, I hope it’s evident that I spent it on family and good work. I hope that I will have left behind plenty of precious memories for those I love. Friends, let’s spend our minutes wisely, but if you get the chance to be queen for a day, I highly recommend it!