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Arctic fox(北极狐) is a kind of small fox that lives in the Arctic. It grows about 50 centimeters
long, not including its tail, 30 centimeters tall and weighs from 3 to 7 kilos.
The Arctic foxes are white or blue in color. The white ones are white in winter, but grey-brown
in summer. The blue ones are blue-grey all year round. The Arctic foxes have long, thick hair that is
called fur. And the long fur covers their whole bodies, including both their cat eyes and rabbit feet,
to keep them warm in the low temperature in the Arctic.
The Arctic foxes feed mainly on birds, birds' eggs and other small animals. Teamwork is the way
they look for food, and they don't like to do that alone.
Baby Arctic foxes are very lovely. They don't open their eyes until a week after their birth. For the
first half of the year, their parents offer them food. They begin to look for food on their own when
they are about six months old. The next year they can live alone.
Today, the number of the Arctic foxes is becoming smaller and smaller, because people kill them
for their fur to make beautiful coats for money. Something must be done to protect the Arctic foxes.
1.Not all the Arctic foxes change their colors in different seasons.
2. The Arctic foxes have rabbit eyes and cat feet.
3. Baby Arctic foxes are born with their eyes open.
4. Birds, birds' eggs and other small animals are the main food for the Arctic foxes.
5. According to the passage, there are more Arctic foxes now.
【单选题】北极狐的主要食物是( )。
【简答题】阅读理解。 Arctic fox(北极狐) is a kind of small fox that lives in the Arctic. It grows about 50 centimeters long, not including its tail, 30 centimeters tall and weighs from 3 to 7 kilos. The Arctic foxes ar...
【简答题】阅读下列材料,分析回答有关问题: 材料一:如图中的两只狐,一只是生活在北极的北极狐,一只是生活在非洲的沙漠狐. 材料二:科学工作者发现,过去20年,北极冰盖面积减少了40%,平均厚度从3米减至1.5米,2007年北极冰盖面积为413万平方千米,创历史最低点.这些都说明了一个现象:地球在变暖. (1)图______所示为北极狐.理由是______. (2)由两种狐的头部某些特征也可以说明,生物的形态...
【多选题】北极狐毛皮的数量每四年出现一次高峰的原因是( )