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There are 1 passages in this part. The passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice. passage : In ancient Greek mythology we learn about a young man named Narcissus. He was so beautiful that he fell in love with his own reflection (倒影) . He became obsessed (自恋) , but soon realized that what he loved was not real. As a result, he became sad and died. In the place where he had stood appeared a soft yellow flower — a narcissus. This is where the word “ narcissism ” came from. Unfortunately, narcissism is often used to show disapproval because it is usually used to mean being self- centered and not caring about others. However, part of the reason that narcissism carries these negative meanings is that many people admire themselves in an unhealthy way. But the truth is that good self-love is necessary for our mental health, scientists say. A study published 10 years ago shows that low self-esteem is responsible for many social problems, and it can affect agers seriously. When they feel less confident and not as good as their classmates, agers are more likely to suffer from depression, commit suicide, get pregnant and bully others, according to the BBC. The other reason that narcissism is considered an ugly thing is because we are taught that we should care more about others than ourselves and that it ’ s better to give than to receive. Thinking about others is the right thing to do, without question. But psychologists say that the love of others is actually based on self-love. If you see yourself as an unpleasant stranger, how can you be capable of friends with anyone else. After all, you are closer to yourself than anyone else. After years of study, scientists also found that parents play a big part in building a child ’ s self-belief. Only if the parents approve and accept their children, do they feel loved and learn to love themselves. The next time you look in the mirror, try to tell yourself that you are one of a kind. Pick out your best qualities and be proud of yourself.