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Th ere is a wonderful story about a young girl who had no family and no one to love her.
One day, feeling very sad and lonely, she was walking through a grassland when she noticed a small
butterfly caught in a thorn (荆棘) bush. The young girl carefully released the butterfly. Instead of flying
away, the little butterfly changed into a beautiful fairy. The young girl rubbed her eyes in disbelief.
'For your wonderful kindness,' the good fairy said to the girl, 'I will give you any wish you would like.' The little girl thought for a moment and then replied, 'I want to be happy.'
The fairy leaned toward her and whispered in her ear. Then the fairy disappeared.
As the little girl grew up, there was no one in the land as happy as she. Everyone asked her secret of
happiness. She would only smile and answer, 'The secret of my happiness is that I listened to a good fairy when I was a little girl.'
When she was very old and on her deathbed, the neighbors all gathered around her, that her
unbelievable secret of happiness would die with her. 'Tell us, please,' they begged, 'Tell us what the
good fairy said.' The lovely old woman simply smiled and said, 'She told me that everyone, no matter
how secure they seemed, no matter how old or young, how rich or poor, had need of me.'
1. ______ the girl felt sad and lonely.
A. There were many friends but
B. There was nobody to love her so
C. There was nothing to do
D. Seeing the butterfly was caught
2. Noticing the butterfly was caught by the thorn, the orphan girl ______.
A. helped the butterfly escaped from the thorn
B. felt sorrow, but she didn't go up to help it
C. fell down on it too
D. failed to help it rele ase from the thorn
3. The only thing that the little girl wanted was________.
A. to be rich
B. to have her own parents
C. to have a lot of friends
D. happiness
4.The neighbors all gat hered around the old happy woman when she was dying,because ______.
A. they loved this woman deeply and they didn't wanted her to die
B. the woman had lots of money to be shared as soon as she died
C. they want ed to know the secret of her lifetime happiness
D. they wanted to pray for her after her death
【单选题】中篇小说《蜗牛在荆棘上》的作者是( )
【简答题】三、翻译、默写(共 2 小题 , 共 10 分 ) 12. 将下列句子翻译成现代汉语。 ( 每小题 3 分 , 共 6 分 ) (1) 而世之奇伟、瑰怪、非常之观 , 常在于险远。 ( 《游褒禅山记》 ) 译文 : (2) 思厥先祖父 , 暴霜露 , 斩荆棘 , 以有尺寸之地。 ( 《六国论》 ) 译文 :
【单选题】当痛苦向你袭来的时候, 跳出来,换个角度看自己,勇敢地面对这 的人生,在忧伤的瘠土上寻找痛苦的成因、教训及战胜痛苦的方法,让灵魂在布满荆棘的心灵上作出 的抉择,去寻找人生的成熟。 依次填入划横线部分最恰当的一项是( )。
【简答题】补出下列名句名篇的空缺部分 (1)不赂者以赂者丧。盖失强援,不能独完。 。(苏洵《六国论》) (2) ,暴霜露,斩荆棘,以有尺寸之地。子孙视之不甚惜,举以予人,如弃草芥。 (苏洵《六国论》) (3)六国,非兵不利, ,弊在赂秦。 (苏洵《六国论》) (4) ,我为鱼肉。 (司马迁《鸿门宴》) (5)自疏濯淖污泥之中,蝉蜕于浊秽,以浮游尘埃之外, 。 (司马迁《屈原列传》) (6) ...
【简答题】There is a wonderful story about a young girl who had no family and no one to love her. One day, feeling very sad and lonely, she was walking through a grassland when she noticed a small butterfly cau...
【简答题】There is a wonderful story about a young girl who had no family and no one to love her.One day, feeling very sad and lonely, she was walking through a grassland小题1:she noticed a small butterfly caught...